Quantum Science Audio light blue fuse; $71, what a bargain!

I wanted to start a new thread about the more affordable versions of these fuses. I don’t doubt that the higher end versions are amazing, but most of us aren’t very likely to be able to hear them for ourselves. Fortunately, pretty much anyone who is serious about building a musically enjoyable and engaging system can get a good taste of what they’re all about.

I’ve had the light blue QSA fuses ($71) in my CD transport and DAC for over two weeks, now. They replaced SR blue fuses, at around twice the price, and easily bettered them. I am expecting one more light blue tomorrow, to replace an SR orange in my amp. I’ll give an update on that, once I get it installed and listen.

Meanwhile, here are a couple quotes from my posts on the other thread:

“What I am hearing is; voices & instruments are more solid and lifelike, with increased natural detail and sense of space, better dynamics, and a more relaxed overall sound.”

“Just got in a second light blue fuse for my DAC. So far, more of the same improvements I got in my CD transport. Very nice!😃 One thing I appreciate is the break in seems to be pretty quick, without any of the nasties you get with some other stuff. Pop it in, and you’ll hear improvements in short order, at least that’s been my experience.”

I am continuing to greatly enjoy what these fuses bring to my system, and am really looking forward to getting the last one in my amp.

George does offer some very insightful posts on this forum. However, in the case of fuses I have to admit it is getting a tad old. I do get a chuckle out of his continual fuse posts. Post on George!
This is one area you seem to have a blind spot based on your comments and not trying them.

Recently built a new preamp, mostly my design and I know the sound well,  and adding an audiophile fuse certainly yielded sonic benefits over the common type of fuse (new).

Free speech for George, all Americans and world wide.

50 cent fuse will do for George and many philes. For the deceived, fools, ignorant, snake oil buyers and idiots the $28K fuse will do. 
A long time ago, I understood his game. Now I simply don’t read any of his posts when discussing fuses. In the end it’s always the same story : every fuse discussion become a Georges one. Look on this discussion, it’s him who has posted the more messages.
As a functionally blind reader it is really hard for me to decipher through threads that go back and forth swaying away from any OP's original intent.  I think it is great that there are pro's and con's to every tweak.  Reading these forums have helped me make informed decisions about products to buy.  However, I really don't need or want to read 25 posts from the same individual on any subject.  State your point and then move on please.  

I look forward to hearing as many comments from people who have actually used these fuses.  In my case, I ordered four yellows to replace the SR orange.  I believe fuses do matter based on what I hear.  Now, on another note, I have the SR Orange Duplexes and I can say in my case it did not achieve what I had hoped for.   Not every tweak works but if you have the money and can experiment, it is fun.