Searching around on this topic, I see it's a time-worn debate. Lots of advice out there. My usual M.O. on things like this is that if I cannot see which side of a debate is right and it's possible to get extra running room without spending a premium, I do it.
In the case of this project, we're talking about a panel on the same unfinished wall as the location of the duplexes -- 12-15ft from panel to duplexes, straight shot. If it seems that even with this most simple situation that extra lines or higher amps is a lot more money, I'll economize.
In the case of this project, we're talking about a panel on the same unfinished wall as the location of the duplexes -- 12-15ft from panel to duplexes, straight shot. If it seems that even with this most simple situation that extra lines or higher amps is a lot more money, I'll economize.