Audiophiles have been using these terms with these meanings for decades
For sure these words means something , it is related to the way the relation between some higher harmonics convey the sensation...And all audiophiles can correlate these words to a meaningful sensation.... Saying the opposite would be amateurish or ignorant....
But one this is done, and when others audio factors enter in play, these words are no more enough to characterise audiophile experience in all his dimensions adequately...
Saying that tubes may be warmer and S.S. may be most of the times brighter dont push us way much along the road...When the amplifiers is in the room we must begins to embed all audio gear together in the system, in the room and in the house, taking into account the mechanical, electrical and acoustical working dimensions...
That was my point, not negating the rightful and meaningful content linked to these words use...
Then dont put in my mouth or suggest what i never say: that these words are meaningless... They have a meaning related to the electronical design market of amplifier or speakers, tubes are generally not S.S. sound quality for example ...But others factors plays in acoustic to amplify or to decrease these warm or brighter impression...
But no acoustician characterise a room to be warm or bright...A room can be dead or too much echoing...It is related to timing or reverberation time not to amplifier rendering of harmonics etc...
No musician evaluate sound musical timbre by warm and bright characterisation MAINLY....
When a piano make different timbre impression in my room, when i change the acoustical settings of the room or if i modify the vibrations controls of my gear, or if i modify the electrical noise floor, To describe the result beinng "warmer or brighter" concepts are no more very useful and dont relate well or much to the factors in play...
It is one things to describe sound by some of his aspect for example relation between harmonics envelope of a timbre perception and describing with words all the variables implicated in the perception...We need way more words that warm and bright which related mainly to the electronical design market of speakers amplifiers or dac etc...
It was my point....
To say it in a short way, people must learn many others concepts and not evaluate system with this meaningful but limiting words only... Audiophile experience is linked to many factors not only 2....
I hope it is clearer....
By the way with your experience i will not teach you anything here.... You know way much than me in audio ....But i only expressed here in these 2 posts my limited but insightful personal experience for the sake of the discussion .... I apologize sincerely if my post seems to give you lesson which i am perfectly conscious you dont need at all from me....But i spoke my mind for the discussion ....
my best to you...And my deepest respect....