SET vs Push-Pull (Line Magnetic vs Primaluna)

I have a Primaluna Dialogue Premium (non-HP) driving my Acoustic Zen Crescendo II loudspeakers.  It's a push-pull Class AB design.  
I am intrigued by the possibility of trying a Class A SET design.
Has anybody tried a Line Magnetic Class A SET amplifier with these speakers?
If so, what are your impressions?
Where can Line Magnetic amps be demoed or bought in Southern California (San Diego area)?
Thanks for your responses.

A lot depends on which Line Magnetic amp you are talking about. Your speakers are only 90 db with a minimum 6 ohm load. LM manufactures SET amps from 18 watts to 50 watts. You might get by on the lower end of the spectrum if you room isn't terribly large or you don't listen at very loud volumes. But I will say that Line Magnetic amps are very well built and sound great, at least that is true of the 518ia that I used to own.


It's about amp/speaker synergy. I find the LM SET amps sound best with a flat, higher impedance load speaker.  My LM805ia sounds way better through my 10 ohm DeVores compared to using my Cary SLI-80HS through the same speakers.  Conversely the Cary amp sounds much better paired with my Klipsch Forte III's than they do when paired with the DeVores.

Personally I suspect those Acoustic Zen speakers will not coax the full potential out of the LM amp and in fact they may sound better through your Prima Luna.
To answer your question regarding dealers you may want to contact Jonathan Halpern of Tone Imports , he is the US distributor. Below is his email address

I have a LM 518IA (22 wpc) which easily drives and sounds wonderful with my Daedalus 6ohm 97.5db speakers; so different experience than 3 easy’s