Have had a Lyra Delos Cartridge for the last month and have any of you goners noticed a elevated treble, shrill thin bright sound from this Cartridge? I wish I had my HANA ML back. This Lyra sounds horrible!!!

My advice is to not even think about the Kleos until it can be made clear why the Delos isn't performing in your system.

If you spend even more money, and the bottleneck persists, you will be really upset (smile).

kind regards, jonathan
beer proof  cantilever may not exist….or sober but overzealous housekeeper…….
Have never owned a Lyra anything. But I have learned something from this thread. Jonathan Carr is a class act.

On the one hand you say
And then you say
I bent a cantilever on the Hana ML I had and it is either going to be repaired or replaced at the dealer. I'm thinking of just trading that Hana AND the Delos in on a KLEOS.
Why would you try another MC if they are so overrated ?

Given that you say
 I am extremely hard on Cartridges due to having a few beers and getting clumsy with the tonearm. 

My suggestion - stick to MM's with a replaceabe stylus - that way you can keep a couple of spare styli for the rough nights. Also dont forget Moving Iron cartridges like Nagaoka (MP500) and Soundsmith ( Soundsmith's stylus replacement cost is quite modest).

I was wondering if jcarr would chime in on this obserd rant.

A couple things, jcarr is an absolute class act (obvious by how he has treated @jeffvegas with respect after shytting all over his design)

I own the Ortofon 2M Black and if you think it stomps all over that Lyra then you obviously have something wrong going on (in your system or in your head) tough to tell which at this point.

No matter what the price tags are on your current gear it has nothing to do with system synergy.

If you are adjusting the tonearm and hear no difference and you say it's hard to adjust a VPI uni pivot for azimuth.... Well I'll save the insult here since you already stated that you have forgotten more about audio than the rest of us ever knew.

Listen to jcarr. He will bend over backwards to help you.
I know from personal experience.

Not that you deserve it but I'll give you the contact again in case you forgot already.