
Oh, the wife 🥸

Now that’s a buy stopper. Underground transactions help. The wife will bring you down to the color Blue and not Red Black. 😢

The red black fuse installed into my X2 was the biggest, besttest and greatest tweak I’ve ever experienced in my 175 years in audio. I’ve had all the SR stuff and the wavy wood sticks, super tweeters but nothing can keep up with this Red Black fuse.

Now I know you won’t sleep tonight having blown your fuse for reading this. Waiting for your next positive post on the Red Black in my system that goes for $2.8KKK two thousand eight hundred GHifi. 🤓 sleep tight .
ozzy ...

  • No car payment or house payment either.
  • But, there is the wife...
I had the same problem. Then one day, she said: "If you come home with one more record, I'm going to leave you!" You know Ozzy ... I kind of miss her sometimes. 


The red black fuse installed into my X2 was the biggest, besttest and greatest tweak I’ve ever experienced in my 175 years in audio.
You really are https://youtu.be/YTY26k0CA0I?t=4
I know what you mean. I keep leaving the door open, but she keeps coming back!
Must be my charm...
