Let me guess what is going on here. In actual listening, you have no problem with gain. Isn’t that correct? But apparently you looked at some chart or read someone else’s opinion and decided that you must need more gain, that that must be the problem, even though you do not perceive a problem with gain. Whatever is the case, you cannot assess the need for more gain simply by looking at the gain of your MC phono section. You also need to know the additional gain added by your line stage or the high level section of your full function preamplifier. After that you also need to know the input sensitivity of your amplifier. All of these things affect your perception of gain and the sound pressure levels you will get from your speaker. Of course the efficiency of your speaker in converting watts of power into sound pressure is another factor determining the gain quotient of your system. Someone else can look at a chart or do a back of the envelope calculation and tell you that 60db is marginal gain for your cartridge, but by itself that doesn’t mean a thing. If you are happy with the sound pressure you are getting from your speakers, then you do not need more gain. Like Miller carbon said, perhaps you would be happier with a better sounding phono stage, not necessarily a higher gain phono stage or the addition of a SUT. A SUT is just a transformer. It adds to signal voltage while reducing signal current by a proportional fraction. The added gain is directly related to the turns ratio of the transformer. Any manufacturer will state that somewhere in the literature supplied with the transformer. But before you were to buy one, you would have to do more homework and decide what turns ratio is needed for your system. To do that you need to take into account the gain afforded by the moving magnet section of your phono stage, not the MC section. You can read about the use of a step up transformer on the Internet. There are many good sites for that. In my opinion, unless you really are lacking in gain, you really do not need a step up transformer in your system.