Upgrade from Schiit Bifrost 2?

Due to a Bifrost 2 failure, I'm considering an upgrade to a non-Schiit branded DAC. What is the next step up from the Bifrost 2? I am currently using a Node2i for streaming (mostly Qobuz), a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum 3, and Magnepan 1.7s. I will eventually be incorporating a Rythmik Audio F12SE. 

If you've had the Bifrost 2 and upgraded, what did you upgrade to and why? How profound was the difference? 
At least you received a response. That's a good sign. You'll need to pay to ship; they'll take care of return shipping. Even if you've soured on the brand at least you'd be able to sell a working unit.
Same thing happened to my Lyr 3, twice. Sold it after the second repair.

One of the ways Schiit keeps costs down is compromised thermal management. I wonder how long before internal components start to deteriorate, causing a long, subtle race to the bottom.

Since the Cult of Schiit, among other things, keeps you coming back, most owners will not own a Schiit product long enough to notice.

Lots of choices in your price range; DACs have moved from flavor of the month to flavor of the week. Stay tuned and you will see "Best DAC Ever" threads everywhere.

Try this (if you can hear a negative difference, which is unlikely, just send it back):
@bnolts - I wish. There's been no response from Schiit, yet. I'm guessing I'll give it to tomorrow and then will call Amex. Ho hum... :(
Schiit has always responded to my emails, and their gear has generally exceeded my expectations (sent the Aegir back as it didn't work for me)...including with my Bifrost 2. Works perfectly, sounds great. I guess they like me...they send extra stickers...