Innuos Zenith MK3

Has anyone experienced Zenith skipping out and then jumping to the next track? It comes and goes. Sometime it will run fine for entire listen session; other times it’s so repetitive that I have to turn it off. When skipping, the signal is lost on my iPhone and on the DAC. Sounds like an incoming signal issue but, happens on streamed tracks as well as those ripped on the internal hard drive. If you’ve experienced this, what was your remedy? 

Any feedback will be appreciated! I know I can simply send it to Innous but, I hesitate as it will be out for weeks. 
I had communication problems with Innuos Zen and Zenmini with my Ayre Codex DAC, including this one. Resolved by using a USB hub to help with I guess galvanic isolation.
Just send a note to Innuos support and they will get back to you.Also you may wish to update to firmware 2.0 to see it that helps, it is available now for Zeniths.
Thanks! Coincidental that you were using an Ayre. But, I had a borrowed Codex and don’t remember a problem. Since about s month ago I switched to an Ayre QB9 Twenty and that’s when I started having problems. Haven’t been able to get to Innuos yet but will keep trying. I’ll look into the USB hub too.
I have had the issue when streaming Qobus, particular with albums with a track count over 15. Attributed it to Qobus rather than InnuOS since I haven’t experienced it using my library, so your experience got me very interested. Did you contact their service team?
Not yet. It happened with my library too which made me think it’s an Innuos issue