how much difference does a player make

I am looking at adding a cd player to my hometheater rather than using the dvd player. I was thinking of a denon changer that would allow me to play multiple discs if I have company over. Some people feel NAD makes a decent player but is only single disc.

Would I notice a difference in players without having a high end 2 channel set up?

Are the two players mentioned any good or comparable to each other.

Would I actually hear a difference?
For background music through a home theater set-up most any changer will do. THe Denon is not built very well though. Their DVD players are but the CDP's are not. Cambridge Audio has an inexpensive music server that could serve as a great mid-fi source. Should fit in well with a home theater. Plus you could put together entertaining mixes.

Good luck!
it can make a huge difference. You have a very good idea in getting a D/A here. As far as Dennon quality the alpha processing units are good for 5-10 years and at $699 new were very hard to beat.
Rotel makes the best CD changers that won't break the bank now, as McIntosh and Essoteric are pricey.
Adding a good DAC to a multi-disc player like Rotel or Denon is a good idea too. Get the player first and then if you want better sound upgrade the DAC later. The downside is you will need another outlet, shelf space and digital cable for the DAC.