pragmasi196 posts07-14-2021 6:43amThis may be useful for some - here's a Sound on Sound page with a link to a frequency chart in the top right corner. Fundamental notes are within the range of 16Hz to 9kHz, with harmonics going much further up in frequency. If you don't listen to a lot of pipe organ music then a lower bound of 30Hz will include all the fundamentals
Intuitively I figured there was not much below say 40hz,
And this chart shows the truth of the fq range of clasical symphony orchesra.
This explains why I can not accepta dome tweeter for my classical muisc.
There is too many notes bombarding this crucial region for a 3/4 inch voice coil to handle.
For those who listen to mostly classical music, your dome tweeter is not **delivering the goods***
You need to go wide band to have a orchestra symphony/chamber sound **Live**.
For jazz fans, the dome tweeter is acceptable.
But why not go wide band, this way you get your jazz and classical voiced beautifully.
I just do not see any more need for dome tweeters, They served us well these past 50 years, its time to let them go.