New silversmith fidelium cable

You need to try the speaker cable. It is a complete game changer in the audio industry. Probably the biggest improvement ever in sound quality and realism. These will impress audiophiles all over the world. 
Scratch built amps, no websites.

Post to post the binding post are 7/8" apart. Then I have my RCA input about 1 1/8" to the left of the binding posts. On the other side I have a grounding post and the gap there is about 1 1/4". No obstruction above or below.

Are these two mono Amps you're talking about?
If so, I think there's plenty of room to hook up the Fidelium Cables.
They are bendable across their 2" dimension.
The silversmith fidelium cable is 33% more conductive than any copper or silver foil out there.
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