Upgrade transport and lose Genesis Lens?

I currently have a Meridian 500 transport/Audioquest Hawk Balanced Digital Cable/Genesis Digital Lens/MIT Oracle Digital Cable/PS Audio Ultralink DAC. I noticed that when I took out the MIT Oracle cable from the Lens and connected it straight to the transport I got a huge boost in clarity. The sound was so much more cleaner and the pace was a lot faster. I was thinking is that because the Audioquest isn't up to par with the Oracle, should I just get another Oracle to get back that detail or would it be better to sell the Meridian/Audioquest/Genesis and get a new transport. I would probably have about 2,000 to spend on a used transport.
Why don't you take your setup to a dealer and play around with it? You're guessing the transport, but what would happen if you ditched the AQ and Digital Lens, and then tried the Meridian and MIT with a newer DAC? How about ditching it all and trying a new CD Player? You owe it to yourself to try different combos and see what sounds best to you.
I had an interesting trial when I eliminated the Genesis Digital Lens temporarily, because I had finally found digital IC which sounded spectacular while adding no jitter to the output from a modded CDP used as a transport (Auricle Audio Design Encore Signature Digital IC).
It turned out that the Lens does something more for the music than merely eliminate jitter as the signal travels on to the DAC in this test system, because the rich and three dimensional quality of full range sound suddenly became flatter. Simply re-installing the Digital Lens with another Auricle Audio digital IC re-established the best sound.
Each part of this complex chain has been inserted to audibly improve the sound, yet it still surprised me, all over again, that simplifying can sometimes diminish sound quality.
If a Genesis Digital Lens does not enhance your system then perhaps there may be a malfunction of the unit.
Also, simply buying a great all-in-one CDP might actually better any patched together set of components. As Krell man suggests, you have to try a few variations until you hit on what sounds most pleasing.
My experience exactly matches that of Listener57. But Krell_man brings up a valid point that all of us with separate transports, DACs, the Genesis, the two digital cables, multiple power cables, etc., should seriously consider.

I have tried many transports and DACs and over and over, the DAC has far more influence on the sound quality. Perhaps this is because the Genesis does a good job to "clean up" the transport's signal. Before you spend any money on cables, you should seriously try out any number of DACs.

And if you decide to consider digital cables, do not lock yourself into only the MIT. The Marigo 5.7 is an outstanding cable that far exceeded the lower cost MIT digital cable I had been using before. And many people report great success with other cables such as the Purist Dominus, Virtual Dynamics, Audience, etc.
