What speaker has the best tweeter?

I love the AMT tweeters in my speakers. They are definitely different from other tweeters I have heard. I enjoy their openness and air. But there are qualities of other tweeters that excel in other ways. Some v pricy speakers use beryllium or diamond or diamond coated beryllium. I see that the price of, Seas I think, diamond tweeter is like $6K a pair. Then ribbons offer used. Not to mention plasma, etc.
I think Troels mentions the Exotic somewhere on his pages, and says something to the effect that he found another tweeter for alot less money, (Not Seas) , that matched the Exotic, thus making the Exotic not anything special.  
Cresendo and Exotic both priced the same.
I'd like to know what that is? Not the Morel ST728?
I'll have to check out the Cresendo, thanks (thumbs up)
I just spent 2 weeks without my Gallo Reference 3.1s (blew a midrange driver in both speakers). Drivers are now replaced with new old stock drivers from a Reference AV center channel. I can’t think of a better tweeter than the CDT tweeter in the 3.1s (and other Gallo speakers). Going from my back-up speakers (ProAc Response 3.8s with Scanspeak soft dome tweeters) back to the Gallos was astonishing.  Like going from listening to boxes to listening to real music. Don’t know how else to say it. The image just hangs in mid air, and you can almost feel the mid to high frequencies in your chest and head (like headphones).  Which makes no sense since its not a bass heavy speaker at all. Just addictive. 
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I once owned Sonus Faber Extremas that had the Dynaudio Esotar tweeter that is absolutely incredible. I now have a pair of Merlin VSM speakers that also have this tweeter. They are top of the line tweeters.