With springs it is essential to tune in order to match the load to the springs. If they are too stiff they won't isolate much, and that may be what is going on here. Looking at what you've got to play with, I would try springs under the 3" thick butcher block, with the turntable on top of that. Add or remove springs until they are compressed about half way under load. When properly loaded, when you give the whole thing a push it should bounce or oscillate fairly slowly. In addition to adding/subtracting springs you can also weight the shelf, with anything such as a bag of sugar being fine for a test.
As good as Nobsound work, one of their bigger shortcomings besides lack of damping is they really only isolate best up and down. Because of the number of springs and the way they are arranged they have a lot of stiffness side to side and in other planes than vertical. Without being there it is hard to know but you may have a situation where the rack is rocking front to back or something like that more so than up and down. If that is the case you can get better by tuning Nobsound but the real solution will be Townshend Pods or Platform, those isolate equally in all planes.