What DAC upgrade made you say “DAMN, that sounds SO MUCH better than my last DAC”?

As the title suggests, what was your overall system and DAC at the point where you bought only a new DAC and said “DAMN, that sounds SO MUCH better than my last DAC”?

I’m a novice and so many people talk about improvements from new equipment as if they were only listening to varying degrees of static until they bought more and more new equipment which added up to them finally being presented with music. It’s like Salome and the seven veils. But when does the last veil get peeled away? 

So what system did you have and what DAC did you swap in that made you say “DAMN!!!!”?

I guess I’m looking for night and day differences, not gradual progressions……

An Auralic Vega G2 clearly bettered my PS Audio Direct Stream.
My current Mola Mola Tambaqui clearly bettered the Auralic.
Really love my PS Audio DSD.  The fact that it uses FPGA and can be updated is a real plus.  As digital technology progresses, it is nice to have a product that can be upgraded with a change in software and doesn't have to be replaced.  Also, Ted Smith is a brilliant engineer and really had a good grasp on what makes digital sound good.  
I love reading everyones takes on DAC's and window shop after each response. I'm eyeing an upgrade probably next year ($1,000-$2,000 price range). Leaning towards the Gustard X26 Pro at the moment.

My beginners "ah ha" moment was when I ditched my integrated 2 channel Cambridge Audio AXR100 receiver DAC and got a standalone DACMagic 200m.

$500 USD and I'm still smiling each time I listen to it. Also enjoy MQA off my laptop, but hoping to get a Room Nucleus+ soon.

Current set up
DACMagic 200m
Azur 851a
Azur 851w
KEF LS50 Meta
KEF Kube 12b