Best Sounding Speaker Cables?

Cardas Clear, Nordost Frey 2, Clarus Crimson? Strengths? 

Obsess much? Use your time to learn to play an instrument."

This is an audio forum where people are allowed to discuss matters related to music reproduction systems if you want to play an instrument this is the wrong group for you there are others more suited to your pursuit, interest, and passion.
speaker cables do not ’sound’...they do not carry sound, mix the sound, soften the sound etc etc...
get over it...they cary an electrical current

do a test with your table lamp - connect different cables and run 120v to it and see if you get a brighter light, softer light, harsher light...or maybe no light at all....since this would be a 'sound' carrying cable...hmmm

there is so much one can discuss re audio....acoustics, mastering of recordings, preamps etc....but those cables seem like a stubborn floater that wont sink
I have found ribbon cables to be a game changer--easily the equivalent of upgrading my speakers, and I already had very decent cables. 

Ribbons are the wire equivalent of springs. They can be done at different levels but the basic technology is so good even inexpensive versions tend to outperform a lot of more expensive stuff that is trying to do it another way. Tekton MTM is another example. As is DBA. In all of these it is a fundamental re-thinking of what everyone else has been doing for so long that yields unusually large performance gains without having to spend a tremendous amount of money.
I replaced $6K speaker cables with $1200 Silversmith Fideliums. Now the former cables are relative junk.
Check out the Enjoy the Music review. His Fideliums beat his $20K Reference. Innovative and superb. And for $175 the Fidelium bi wire feature is brilliant.
Also a Fidelium user. Best I have ever used and not looking for anything new now.