Transport needed !

     Hey all ! Im totally stoked, i just aquired a Parasound HINT6 ! I have a 30yr old pair of MartinLogan Sequels. So i start by hooking up my Bluesound Node2, analog out. I use Tidal and the sound is soooooooo good. Since this little digital machine sounded so good i thought what the hell get a transport for CD’s
       I know theres budgets for everything lets say 300-350. I would like to tryout the onboard dac, 
  • ESS Sabre32 Reference DAC (ES9018K2M)
  Im still reading about it…..

any suggestions ????
I don't like to buy second hand electronics. If serious about buying a transport, I would buy new. The Schiit Urd is coming soon (although a bit on the expensive side) but should be REAL good.

      First, thanx for the suggestions. I like the refurbished Cambridge idea.