Thanks for the inputs above.
I decided to 'tinker' with Roon, setting up Roon server on my Macbook and just getting a feel for its UI and such.
To cut a long story short, I purchased a sonicTransporter i5, ultraRendu, iFi Zen Streamer and an ultraDigital for its i2s connectivity.
The iFi Zen Streamer is a great little unit, tons of features and easy to get up and running. It's going into my office system feeding an Ayre Codex USB Dac.
I'm still playing with the main setup into the Terminator DAC but so far I'm pleased with the results. Yes, it's a bit more complicated than I'd intended, but I think the results are worth it.
I looked hard at the Gaia but didn't want to splash the cash at this point.
The sonicT i5 gives me better options, controlling multiple endpoints etc, which would've been difficult to do via the Aurender and Gaia. I may still add a Gaia at some point down the line.
Just closing the loop here, thanks again y'all.