I´ve purchased a pair of Soundlab Ultimate 545 speakers.
My Amp is the Gryphon Antileon, but, following your comments,
it seems that Valve Amplification is better for ELS.
What´s your general opinion about this Soundlab model?
Could you recommend some amplification for this Soundlab "Junior" Size?
How about Convergent Audio, Quicksilver or Cary?
I have heard them with Red Rose Moels One amps and VTL 225 (I think deluxe) amps. Both sounded great. I think the Gryphon will sound different, but likely great too. Give it a try before you look around.

Have you heard it with the Gryphon yet? If so how did you like it?
If you can get CAT amps do it! And their preamp is also excellent.
Your 545s deserve the best! And I believe they will be a great match with the SLs.
I’ve been involved with SoundLabs since 1999 and in my experience Atma-Sphere amps are an especially good match with them.

As a new dealer I was frustrated that SoundLab wasn’t giving me an amplifier recommendation. So I asked a different question: What amplifier manufacturers have you shown with? Well that was the right question - they went off about Atma-Sphere, so that was the first amplifier line I added, and twenty plus years later is still my first choice.

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