Electrovoice 18" Woofer: smallish Magnet; only 2.3 ohms?

I’ve been watching some electro-voice drivers, from their Vintage Model E-V Six, drawn by the 18" woofers,
original specs say 8 ohms


 here’s a pair of the woofers


1. 2.4 OHMS? My vintage drivers, Crossover, and L-Pads from that era are nominal 16 ohms. I never measured them.

2. Smallish Magnet on 18"? My 15" paper woofers, 15W 37 lbs, have much bigger magnets.  (the 18" are 1/2" thick styrofoam).



3. Mine is 16 ohms, I know they make a 8 ohm version, yet that one shows 3.5 ohms???

Help me avoid trouble by ignorance please,

thanks, Elliott

I am only finding foam repair kits, you are referring to voice coil, cone, surround correct?


I’ve got a spare 15W ready to go, and a 15W needing a new cone right now that I will eventually repair. I have a 15W coil/cone/pleated fabric surround kit ready for it, but trying this sounds interesting.

Of course I've got spare horns ready, and they can be more readily found in the future by my great grandchildren I hope!!!
rodman, all

I just noticed, that pair of EV-Sixes near me: it's a pair of identical Mono Boxes, they are not mirror images like Stereo Pairs are.


clearly it's hard for me to keep my eyes off them.
I have four pairs of electrovoice speakers and none of them measure that way. The dc resistance is way higher than that in all cases so i would be leery of a fake 18 inch woofer for sure especially if the magnet is small, ev did not use small magnet assemblies in any of their woofers.