Audiophile Loudness Wars—Too Much again!?

Obviously a huge chunk of popular western music has been involved in the loudness wars of the recording industry. But do we now have Hifi loudness wars? Sometimes I look at or try out new pieces, and think audio designers are putting too much gain in our preamps, amps, and DACs. Or am I off here? You won’t hurt my feelings.
I’m getting a sense that lots of gear falls over the side of center towards higher gain.

Hey, it happens to me! You can’t edit titles. It’s supposed to be “too much gain”.
I agree. Many digital components have too much gain for many systems. Many amps are designed to be very sensitive, having too much gain.

Yes, and I wish I had a dollar for all the times people tell me, well buy a preamp with gain adjustment.  Sure, they exist but I don't think even premium ubiquitous brands, like Audio Research, offer the feature. 

The digital side is horrendous in my view.  Who needs all this gain?