Mrtennis, aside from the entertainment value of this post, I'll bite and consider your statements as being sincere.
You are certainly entitled to the listening experience that you might enjoy most. I believe your quest has landed you in the right place. With that I propose you subscribe to the cliché "one man's junk...". Now utilizing your particular sound attributes as keywords in an Audigon discussions search I believe you will find an enormous wealth of gear bashing discussion that would certainly identify just what you might be looking for. There is one caveat however - there is always the chance that such discussions will lead you to that extremely dull sounding CDP and once you buy one based on these posters "in depth analysis", you may find that after listening for yourself it is actually very dynamic and detailed, perhaps even very musical with great soundstage and separation. Now that my friend would be very disappointing, wouldn't it?
You are certainly entitled to the listening experience that you might enjoy most. I believe your quest has landed you in the right place. With that I propose you subscribe to the cliché "one man's junk...". Now utilizing your particular sound attributes as keywords in an Audigon discussions search I believe you will find an enormous wealth of gear bashing discussion that would certainly identify just what you might be looking for. There is one caveat however - there is always the chance that such discussions will lead you to that extremely dull sounding CDP and once you buy one based on these posters "in depth analysis", you may find that after listening for yourself it is actually very dynamic and detailed, perhaps even very musical with great soundstage and separation. Now that my friend would be very disappointing, wouldn't it?