I need help with an amp decision

Equipment: Tannoy xt 8 (91 dB/Watt sensitivity and 400 Watt peak power ), REl s/510, Black ice f360, and an audiobyte black dragon dac. 
Room size:17x21x10h
Music preference, everything but rap and pop, 
question: Can I get some suggestions regarding a solid-state amp choice for this system, please.
I can not use mono amps because of the sub and I really do not want to go the route of a tube amp. 
Two amps I have been thinking about are the benchmark AHb2 or a first watt ?, I will be trying to shop the used market. Any suggestions, would help. thank you

Thank you for the feedback so far. Sound characteristics for the amp would be a good sound stage along with a neutral presentation. My room cannot be sound treated to my liking and I'm a little sensitive to treble so the amp cannot be harsh to the ear. Monoblocs and another sub is the goal but is a future goal. For right now my budget is about 2k in the used market. Thank you for the suggestion on the NAD and Rogue, I will look them up. 
I ran Tannoys somewhat like yours years ago (Tannoy Eyris DC3), plus I’ve had many more Tannoys. They do well very with Rogue tube amps for the money, and I can whole-heartedly recommend these (especially a Stereo 100 or Stereo 90 Super-Magnum), but you specifically requested SS. I’m sure Rogue’s hybrids (Hydra, Dragon, Pharaoh) sound quite good, but I just never felt the desire to jump into class D so I haven’t tried them. Also I’m very much not a fan of the 12au7 tubes they use in their front-end - I can tolerate *some* 12au7 in a tube circuit, but these are literally the only tubes in these hybrids.

I also have had great pleasure running Tannoys with the Parasound Halo series amplifiers. Even the entry level A23 (today’s A23+ should be even better) should sound amazing with your Tannoys. And you can move up from there, as you like (A21, used JC-1). Wonderful, warm and smooth sound not totally unlike tubes, but with the punch and power of SS. Music lovers can truly enjoy the Tannoy DC / Parasound combination.
The First Watt J2 has balanced inputs. I’m listening,and looking at mine this very minute.