well, what started out as a fun read soon ended up in the toilet, thanks to the usual suspects.
From afar, it seems that anyone can still be the prez of the US. As long as you have billion dollar backing and no morals.
You guys have Democrats and Republicans. We have Liberals and Labor.
For both countries the choice comes down to - what do I want to suffer from for the next 3 years, ticks or fleas?
The Bezos jaunt was all about, imo, getting a satellite up there for either an internet offer or drone delivery control. Or both.
From afar, it seems that anyone can still be the prez of the US. As long as you have billion dollar backing and no morals.
You guys have Democrats and Republicans. We have Liberals and Labor.
For both countries the choice comes down to - what do I want to suffer from for the next 3 years, ticks or fleas?
The Bezos jaunt was all about, imo, getting a satellite up there for either an internet offer or drone delivery control. Or both.