Sopra 2 Bass

New member, first post, and newbie in terms of diving into the world of nice things. This world is insane! I've already been spiraling for a few months researching what to buy, AB'ing countless speakers and amps. I now own a McIntosh MA9000 that's driving my new Focal Sopra N2s via Kimber 12VS. My "dilemma" is with the lack of BASS. I demoed the N2s, so I know it's possible, but absent in my home. I have to use the tone controls (this is where you tear me apart) to bump the low end. I do not know if it's my room, lack of bass traps, or equipment, but I'm failing to get down a little lower without tone adjustments. I stream Tidal Masters to my wired Bluesound NODE 2i (optical to the MA9000 dac). My room is 11'x20.5' with a low, 7.5' ceiling. I have tried as many speaker positions as possible with little change. I already know I need to eliminate room echo in the center of the room and have been researching various acoustic treatments. I feel like I'm off to a good start, but now stuck, not totally satisfied. Yes, it's the best I've ever owned and mind-blowing amazing, emotional, etc, but just short of perfect for me. In tracks where I expect a punch, I get an unmoving transition... Can I get "there" with different wire? Should I consider a sub? Why do folks on this site use two subs? Do I need to hire someone to properly sound-treat the room? Is my room a lost cause for what I own? Reaching out because I'm stuck, afraid to waste money chasing dead ends. My budget is thin after the McIntosh and Focals. Any help would be so appreciated! I hope to learn, grow and pay it forward some day. Thank you.
My second eyebrow has now joined my first, far north of my eyeballs hearing you have four subs. How did you know you needed more than two?
A lot of guys are going the four sub route including myself. I started with one, then two and now four. Not to get more bass, but to get better bass. Multiple subs are more of an electronic version of low frequency room treatment. They greatly help in smoothing out the low end frequency response of a room. There are a great many threads on audiogon that discuss the merits of multiple subs, aka DBA, distributed bass array. Also see AudioKinesis "Swarm"
How were you able to dial-in all four?
Personally, I found it much easier to dial in four than one, because four reduced or eliminated many of the problems usually associated with subs, but I did recently fine tune my set-up with the help of REW.
Next time, if there's a next time, I push past 60% I will have the tone control disabled and will be watching the power guard lights with my finger on the mute or volume control.
Not knowing what track you were playing when the incident happened I strongly suspect it was the 25 Hz control that caused the problem. You might try setting the 25 control at neutral or lower, increasing the 50 to 3/4 and reducing the 100 to 1/4 and see if that sounds OK to you, though you still might not get much more volume. In my opinion a 7" driver is just too small to reproduce loud bass much below 60 Hz.

@jrbirdman333 Funny story - I was being setup to hear the 60i contours before I came across the Sopra opportunity. The N2s remain the best I've heard in any showroom or home to-date. I do not want to hear a potentially better system anytime soon, especially because I'm happier right now than I've ever been.
@audiorusty Totally agree. In fact, I like what I hear for bass with increased volume. It's not perfect, but there is no need for the tone control to be on when I want to roll the dial.
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