Sopra 2 Bass

New member, first post, and newbie in terms of diving into the world of nice things. This world is insane! I've already been spiraling for a few months researching what to buy, AB'ing countless speakers and amps. I now own a McIntosh MA9000 that's driving my new Focal Sopra N2s via Kimber 12VS. My "dilemma" is with the lack of BASS. I demoed the N2s, so I know it's possible, but absent in my home. I have to use the tone controls (this is where you tear me apart) to bump the low end. I do not know if it's my room, lack of bass traps, or equipment, but I'm failing to get down a little lower without tone adjustments. I stream Tidal Masters to my wired Bluesound NODE 2i (optical to the MA9000 dac). My room is 11'x20.5' with a low, 7.5' ceiling. I have tried as many speaker positions as possible with little change. I already know I need to eliminate room echo in the center of the room and have been researching various acoustic treatments. I feel like I'm off to a good start, but now stuck, not totally satisfied. Yes, it's the best I've ever owned and mind-blowing amazing, emotional, etc, but just short of perfect for me. In tracks where I expect a punch, I get an unmoving transition... Can I get "there" with different wire? Should I consider a sub? Why do folks on this site use two subs? Do I need to hire someone to properly sound-treat the room? Is my room a lost cause for what I own? Reaching out because I'm stuck, afraid to waste money chasing dead ends. My budget is thin after the McIntosh and Focals. Any help would be so appreciated! I hope to learn, grow and pay it forward some day. Thank you.
@allenf1963 So this isn't how it always goes? Unfortunate, but I can roll with the punches if folks take a swing. Funny you mentioned Bourbon. We were sipping a special bottle of Angel's Envy last night. :)  Mission accomplished!

@arnoldo Not sure how your reply repeated six times? Sounded like a good move with the Loki to buy you time, and great point about being patient. I think others mentioned having a bit of patience as well. I rushed to judge the 4 and 2ohm taps vs the 8ohm. I rushed to purchase a streamer. Part of the rush is wanting to report back here asap. The other rush is to have all the components I need. The Node was not the solution for me. It was an uneducated, rushed purchase. It will not do USB out until possibly later this year via a firmware update. I will be selling the Node and getting something that supports streaming DSD to my McIntosh DA2, but so far that quest is showing me such a streamer is not cheap...

Is there anyone here that steams DSD to a McIntosh DAC? What is your streamer? I would love an Aurender or Innuous, but the price... I started with a high-end base, so maybe I have no choice but to go high-end? My budget is now thin since deciding to step-up to the MA-12000.
@blancpain1 Appreciate the story and you are spot-on. I do love the current sound and am seeking perfection. Is it good enough as-is? Probably. I just know I can do a little more and be really happy. A few more components (steamer and maybe a power conditioner) and I will be happy. Once I have a complete system steaming the source I want, I will then resume treating the room and seeing where I can get in terms of bass. This post has lead me down a methodical path, a fun trek that I must not rush. 
90% of my issues with low frequencies were resolved by adding 4 subwoofers in a distributed bass array, or "swarm". Low frequencies which were weak and uneven were instantly balanced, strong and most of all, real.

Do some research here and on the Audiokinesis website.   

Good luck.  
All - am I breaking any rules by asking side questions unrelated to my bass issue? I've asked about room treatments, streamers, etc, things possibly related to my bass quest, but my next is regarding my power.

Out of my depth here but while playing music the one light in the room dims in sync with deep notes at moderate volume. My MA-9000 needs power. My near future MA-12000 will probably need a little more.

My uneducated response is to consider a 20 amp breaker and or something like a Furman with power reserve for big draws.

I checked the wiring and it's 12/2 NM-B 600 volt. Based on some quick reading it will support a 20amp breaker? What do you think? There may be six outlets in the room, so this one circuit will be shared by my components and the floor lamp. I may not be able or want to use any other outlets. I will replace all of the outlets with 20A versions as well. Will this be healthier for my McIntosh? Will it solve my problem of not being able run anything else like the lamp at the same time? 

Do I only need a good power conditioner with a reserve?

I suspect a number of you are probably going to tell me to hire an electrician. I get it, but I am a big DIY guy and have wired homes before. Maybe this will not get any replies for fear of killing me lol. I am not worried about replacing the breaker and outlets. Easy peasy. I hope to learn if doing so is the right path, or if other options will work. Thank you!

I always plug Amps directly to the wall, I would not plug my Amps into a conditioner and Mac may say the same. I ran 2 15 Amp wires from their own protected breakers. Each Amp has its own source directly to my breaker box. Conditioner plugged into a std line, everything except Amps plugged into it. If your lights dim at volume, it isn’t nessasarily a problem just points to the demand being put on the circuit, it would drive me nuts. I’ve seen plenty of systems do this for years, some like it😎