@allenf1963 So this isn't how it always goes? Unfortunate, but I can roll with the punches if folks take a swing. Funny you mentioned Bourbon. We were sipping a special bottle of Angel's Envy last night. :) Mission accomplished!
@arnoldo Not sure how your reply repeated six times? Sounded like a good move with the Loki to buy you time, and great point about being patient. I think others mentioned having a bit of patience as well. I rushed to judge the 4 and 2ohm taps vs the 8ohm. I rushed to purchase a streamer. Part of the rush is wanting to report back here asap. The other rush is to have all the components I need. The Node was not the solution for me. It was an uneducated, rushed purchase. It will not do USB out until possibly later this year via a firmware update. I will be selling the Node and getting something that supports streaming DSD to my McIntosh DA2, but so far that quest is showing me such a streamer is not cheap...
Is there anyone here that steams DSD to a McIntosh DAC? What is your streamer? I would love an Aurender or Innuous, but the price... I started with a high-end base, so maybe I have no choice but to go high-end? My budget is now thin since deciding to step-up to the MA-12000.
@arnoldo Not sure how your reply repeated six times? Sounded like a good move with the Loki to buy you time, and great point about being patient. I think others mentioned having a bit of patience as well. I rushed to judge the 4 and 2ohm taps vs the 8ohm. I rushed to purchase a streamer. Part of the rush is wanting to report back here asap. The other rush is to have all the components I need. The Node was not the solution for me. It was an uneducated, rushed purchase. It will not do USB out until possibly later this year via a firmware update. I will be selling the Node and getting something that supports streaming DSD to my McIntosh DA2, but so far that quest is showing me such a streamer is not cheap...
Is there anyone here that steams DSD to a McIntosh DAC? What is your streamer? I would love an Aurender or Innuous, but the price... I started with a high-end base, so maybe I have no choice but to go high-end? My budget is now thin since deciding to step-up to the MA-12000.