What Integrated Amp do You use

        What integrated amp do you use, i picked up a Parasound Hint6 and totally fell in love. This thing is such a perfect all around performer, i was curious as to what other Integrated Amp people where using and why
Melody I880, the last dozen years or so. KT88, tube rectifier, modified to add pre-out. 

Before that was a POC Jungson Class A that was nothing but problems. Before that, Aronov LS960 a terrific, liquid, 3D, dynamic, with great bass and two volume knobs that were a pain to match. Great amp for about a dozen years until it started blowing fuses and died.

Before that were a couple separates, notably McCormack DNA 150, the nicest SS amp I ever heard. Frankly it was virtually as good as the Aronov, but required more $ in power cords and interconnect, etc, to get there, which is true to this day. That is why my next amp will again be an integrated. The Raven Blackhawk is in transit and expected next week.
Have had a Bryston B60R for 21 years and it continues to impress. Must admit to having a brief affair with a Hegel H90, which made me realize how good the little Brysyon really is.
I almost forgot, many years ago i had a musical fidelity B-1, a pair of spica tc-50’s and a vandersteen W2 sub. It was great sounding