Classic Ortofon Cartridges: The MC2000 MK II or the MC3000 MK II?

So I have owned quite a few Otofon cartridges over the years, everything from the modest OM cartridges to a couple of Cadenza up to an A90. I typically enjoy Ortofon cartridges.

Now one I have never owned is the MC2000. It seems from a bit of reading I have done that owners of the MC2000 felt it was the most accurate of the Ortofon cartridges, and that releases after it were not its equal.

However, when you look at the MC3000 it has a higher output level that would allow it to work with my Esoteric phono stage. The Esoteric is happy running an MC200 on it which has .09 mV output. but the MC2000 is .05 mV. The MC 3000 MK II is .13 mV from what I find.

Has anyone spent time listening to these classic MC 000 series of Ortofon cartridges? I know there is also a 5000 and 7500, but those seem to be pretty rare.

Regarding the MC2000, I wonder if I use a low mass headshell if I can use it on the Dynavector DV505. I don’t think the mass of the arm in the horizontal plane should affect it, and the vestigial arm can be configured to be an appropriate match for the compliance on this cartridge.

I currently have an MC200u on the arm and its very surprising regarding how good it sounds. Its actually pretty neutral, pretty expressive, but just a bit relaxed in the top end. I certainly enjoy it, but I wonder how these statement cartridges from the classic Ortofon line will sound. These would have been from their long time designer who has now retired, so its a different era of Ortofon versus what their current offerings are. Even though we should acknowledge that the current cartridges use design principals that were developed from this earlier time period and engineering team. 

I can only say than between MC2000 and next mkII version you have to choose MC2000 first version (not mkII).

The MC2000 is very rare model, dedicated headshell included in the box. This is my NOS sample. And this is a booklet.

MC 2000 incorporates Ortofon’s patented Wide Range Damping System, and a new Symmetrical Contact Line diamond. Low-output moving coil with 0.05mV output! Frequency response; 5Hz–50kHz. It was released in 1985 and official price was $1000. I just tried to convert 1k (80’s dollars) to today’s dollars and it’s about $2300. The MC-2000 sure looks as if it’s worth the money. It comes packed in a black-finished wooden box with rabbeted joints, no less, and brushed aluminum latches. The inside is lined with a dark-blue velvet-like material, and has a lift-up hinged panel on top of which nest the cartridge, an Ortofon headsheil, and a "certificate" listing quality-control measurements on the enclosed cartridge. Made in Denmark.

P.S. The mkII is cheap and very easy to find model, you can recognize it my white plastic (ceramic) body, this model is veery often available for sale for $500.

The first version (the original MC2000) is much more expensive cartridge, extremely rare in mint condition or NOS, and you can recognize is by aluminum body and tapered aluminum pipe cantilever. Make sure the cantilever is original, this type of cantilever is not available today from any retipper and not even from Ortofon. You may need a dedicated SUT designed by Ortofon for this particular cartridge. This cart is very difficult to run with conventional phono stage, you need a high gain and super low noise. The sound quality is absolutely amazing if you can find the right phono stage, sut or headamp for this super low output model.
I own both an MC2000 and an MC7500. I cannot recall what is the difference between an MC2000 Mk2 and the original MC2000, but it may have to do with the signal voltage output, 0.05mV for the MC2000. I rank the MC2000 as one of the two or three best cartridges I have ever heard in my life. Scuttlebutt is that the Mk2 version and the MC3000 were just attempts to increase the output voltage but that the trade-off was a loss of "magic". I rank the MC2000 ahead of the MC7500 (and ahead of most other LOMC cartridges), but the MC7500 is also superb. The big issue with the MC2000 is, of course, its miniscule voltage output. I have three high end, high output phono stages, and none of them really cut the mustard with this cartridge, even though the results were good enough for me to hear that it is special. As you probably know, the MC2000 was originally marketed with a matching SUT; I think it’s called the T2000. I have never owned a SUT, and the T2000 is at least as rare as the MC2000. So I was not about to go that route. Finally, Dave Slagle of Intact Audio and EMIA came to my aid. Dave built me a special solid state head amp with a very low input impedance. I think we calculated that it adds 24db of gain. I plug that into the MM inputs of a Manley Steelhead, set for 55db of gain, and this seems to work very well. Ergo, plan on 80db of total gain that you can get one way or another (phono plus linestage, for example).

Why is this cartridge so great? I think it could be because it has minimal turns of wire on its coils, resulting in very low moving mass (and also its tiny voltage output). It also is high compliance compared to nearly every other MC cartridge. You correctly surmise that you need a low effective mass tonearm, and, since I run my own MC2000 on a DV505 using a carbon fiber headshell, I can say the DV505 can work great. (Don’t use the OEM DV headshell; it is too heavy.) Finally, since the MC2000 has a very very low internal resistance of 2 ohms, it actually makes a good amount of current. (Current output = voltage output/internal resistance. 0.05mV/2 ohms = 25uA) It’s extremely well suited to drive one of the "current-drive" phono stages. I’d love to try that.

It’s instructive to re-read Gordon Holt’s original review of the MC2000 in Stereophile. He noted that in order to achieve the accepted range of resonant frequency, one in theory would need to use a tonearm with total effective mass of 5 grams!!! Because of the relatively high mass of the cartridge and its unusually high compliance.
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About $1000 will get you owning the complete Set Up
Caveat Emptor Applies to these types of sales. 

I also discovered a recent MC 2000 sale Ad' where a Beryllium Cantilever is in use.
I am using Beryllium Cantilevers on my Ortofon MC Rebuilds and am totally satisfied.
I have another Ortofon MC rebuild lined up to use the Beryllium with a Ogura Vital. 

orutohonn ortofon MC-2000 operation unused goods : Real Yahoo auction salling

Ortofon T-2000 MC step up trafo, silver wiring *reservert * | Hifisentralen