Does anyone have experience with seller Kron on cartridges?

I'm looking at purchasing a cartridge from him and would prefer to save the PayPal fees and shipping but it makes me a little nervous to do straight wire transfers. Has anyone done business with him and what was your experience? Thanks for the input in advance.
How is his feedback?  If he is a long time member with good feedback then the risk is low.  You could always ask him if he will take payment via PayPal if you pay all the fees.  Worth a try. 
I bought a kiseki blue NS cartridge from him. It was a smooth transaction and I paid by PayPal. Maybe he has changed his payment policies.
I’ve purchased two carts from Kron with no drama, Paypal takes 4.5% for international transfers not to mention the less than ideal exchange rates. if you pay by wire its probably less than the fees Kron will tack on to cover paypal. He’s legit in my mind.
If you will pay by wire transfer you have zero protection, if it will be your first purchase from no matter what seller, my advice is to stick with paypal only (not "family and friends" or "gift", but "goods" only) with full buyers protection guaranteed.

Everyone can make a mistake, you will pay for it if you’re not protected.
It can be a postman or seller, we heard all those stories here on audiogon many times.

If someone else has bought anything from the same seller how can it help with your case ?

Stay protected by paypal buyer protection, this is how it should be for the first transaction at least.

You could offer to pay some or all of the Paypal fees if you'd prefer to pay that way.  You can't have your cake and eat it too.  The guy has a 100% rating and over 1,500 sales.  
Paypal protect buyer with full refund even if the item lost in transit between seller and buyer. 
Thanks everyone, he looked fine in terms of feedback and he does offer PayPal but adds the 4.5% and another $40 for shipping and says he doesn't add either for wire transfer. For a Hana ML that's $85. I'll probably do PayPal anyway but thought I'd ask for direct experience with him, particularly if someone used wire transfer. Like they say "stuff happens" so you never know, better safe than sorry. 
I received my Benz cartridge from Vincent today.  You get incredible transit time for that $40!  We finalized the deal Thursday evening around 9pm cst, which was 10am his time.  He shipped it and I received it at 11am Monday!  It was in the original box as pictured in his ad.  That box was completely enveloped with bubbles tightly packed in a box then inside a shipping envelope.  It was delivered by FedEx.  

There are likely cheaper transit options but making it priority helps ensure a safe delivery.  I work for a large company that has a global account with FedEx.  Our prices often are less for overnight compared to ground.  This is done to incentivise an overnight shipment.  If the package has an opportunity to lay around in a warehouse it presents the possibility for issues to arise.

It was likely the smoothest transaction I have had.  He offers very nice prices on new cartridges.  Nothing to worry about with him which as others noted you can easily tell from his impeccable feedback.
I had my first purchase through Kron a few weeks ago and have nothing but positive things to say about him. The cartridge was as advertised and it arrived really fast, faster than buying from some domestic sellers here in the US.
I have now bought four cartridges and an SUT from Vincent (Kron) and every transaction has been perfect. Aside from excellent prices, Vincent ships very quickly and responds quickly and courteously to all emails. I have paid by direct bank transfer and the cartridges were generally shipped same day. I give Vincent my highest recommendation.

What cartridges are you buying fro him? 
An old nos or vintage or grey market products ? 
He sells a LOT of current Benz models and very good prices.
And I have seen a few Kiseki carts too.

Definitely not NOS vintage.
Grey market?Who knows?
I once asked him about warranty and he said something like there’s no warranty and don’t contact the manufacturer, any issues should be routed through him.

It truly surprises me that Kron has access to so many cartridges that seem to be unobtanium to most dealers. Primarily of course the Benz line...are they still even in business?? 
Benz Micro is very much in business, they have a new North America distributor.
Word is Albert Lukaschek now has the helpers he needs to churn out new cartridges.
@scar972 Thanks, that is informative. I noticed that the rep is based out of Canada, and they have a number of Canadian dealers, none in the US---so far. Wonder why that is?
Also, should be interesting to see how the price points compare to Kron's offerings.
I bought an Ortofon Quintet Black from Vincent about a month ago.  It is my first purchase with him so I used PayPal for the peace of mind. etc.  It was a very smooth transaction, prompt communications, fast shipment and I saved a third off the typical USA retail.  A great deal and I recommend him, per my public transaction feedback. :-) 
How can ai contact Vincent Kron. I would like to see if he can get 
a cartridge for me.
Hello Mr. Kron,
I hope that you can help me with a cartridge. I have been wanting to get an AUdio Technica  ART- 9 cartridge. When I contacted L P Gear
last week I was told that AUdio Technica no longer had that cartridge for sale. I contacted a fellow at AR named Michael and he told me that they had discontinued the ART-9 .
 He told me to contact you to see if you could find a new one for me.
   So I am contacting you to ask you if you can get a new ART-9
Cartridge for me ? I sure would appreciate it if you could..
Thank you very for your help.
sincerely Carter Asbill.    I am a member of Audiogon.
My personal e-mail address is ,


Carter, look at the whole list the Audio-Technica authorized dealers in the USA, i'm pretty sure some of them still have discontinued ART9 with discount, but make sure to buy from authorized dealer if you want to be able to get the new one when the stylus will be worn out. 

You can also buy a brand new ART9 XI or XA version from Audio-Technica directly (online with warranty) here