What Amplifiers Have You Heard In Your System and What Amplifiers Will You Always Keep

What Amplifiers Have You Heard In Your System and What Amplifiers Will You Always Keep In Your Collection (and Why)

I have heard the following amplifiers in my system:

Yamaha AV receiver—Home theater kept

CJ MF 2550–small easy to manage very spatial, powerful keep

David Berning ZH-270–15lbs, controllable negative feedback settings, a keeper

Carver Signature Sunfire 600—the Swiss Army Knife of amplifiers, keep

Carver Lightstar 1.0–busted but kept

John Iverson Eagle 2–excellent, spatial, powerful, manageable size and weight,keep

Crown 1500–these are surprisingly good little class D amps, keep, will probably sell

Yamaha p2150/2250–keep! These are amazing amps, especially mono blocked

Ampzilla 1974–music sounds just like you remember it sounding, keep

Ampzilla 2000–luscious, detailed, natural, currently in system

Pioneer AV Receiver—not so good sold

Sony AV receiver—very good sold

Emotiva XPA 200–fine entry level amp sold

Adcom 555–excellent, great amp, but sold

Behringer 1400 europower—too pushy, light hearing the sausage being made, sold

BAT VK-500–excellent, too big and heavy

BAT VK-250–a really great amp but sold

CJ Premier 350–don’t see what the fuss is about, sold

Spectron Muscian 3 Mk2–excellent, but details are odd, couldn’t drive Kappas

Quicksilver GLA—a beautiful sounding amp, great tempo and naturalness, but not powerful enough, and I don’t want to worry about tubes, sold

Belles 350A—worst amp I have auditioned, like nails on a chalkboard

Currently my system is:

TEAC 2300s reel to reel

Audio Technical Turntable

Oppo 105D ModWright

Mac Mini

Schiit Gungnir DAC

Sonic Frontiers Line 2 Pre

Ampzilla 2000 mono blocks

Thiel CS6 Speakers

Infinity Kappa 7’s, 8’s

Mogami interconnects

Sansui au-999
Harman Kardon 330c
Kenwood ka-3500
Audiolab 6000a

Love them all. Keeping them all.

Crown d-75 power amp. Waiting to refurbish then I'll decide whether to keep :)
Bryston 3B-ST, 4B-ST, 7B-SST (all sold)
PeachTree NOVA 150 (sold)
Parasound A23 (sold)

KRELL K-300i (selling)

D-Sonic M3A 800s (keeping)
CODA #8 (keeping)
Benchmark AHB2 (keeping and my fav)
Primaluna PL2  first amp great starter soldVista Audio i84 second system amp good but sold
Decware Mini Torii  keeper had for 10 yearsGrommes PHI-26  second system keeper 9 years
Decware paired with Ref 3A de CaposGrommes paired with Klipsch Quartets
Micromega M150
Ayre AX-5 Twenty
AVM Evolution A5.2
AVM Ovation MA 8.3s
Canor AI 1.10
Canor AI 2.10
Rega Brio R
BAT Rex 2
Art Audio Opus 4
Art Audio Quartet
Carver TFM 15CB
NAD C298
Naim MuSo
Naim Uniti Atom
Naim NAP 300 DR
Chord TToby
Rogue Audio Hydra
Marantz C510 Network Receiver

These are the amps I have had relatively recently that I have either taken in on trade or are demos.

I will never sell the Art Audio Opus 4s, Rogue Hydra and Carver TFM 15CB. The Opus 4s are my reference in term of sound quality and the others are old favorites.

I wish I could afford to keep the AMV MA 8.3s. Tough to justify $40K amps when you don’t need the power and they don’t fit in your space.

Only two of the amps on this list were not at all to my liking. I found the micromega to be far too bright. The BAT was also not to my liking and will leave it at that.

I am a dealer for AVM, Canor, Art Audio, NAD, Naim and Chord. I have no relationship with the other brands.