The best tube poweramp. . What do you think about ?

I’ve now a VAC phi 300.1. I’m very satisfied with this poweramp. What do you think , and do you have another option ?
my set consists of: Audio Note Cd Two II , Metronome technologie C6 , Daniël Hertz M6L: and the Ilumnia Magister MKII speakers. ( look at : ). Thanks a lot for the reactions!
The built-by-Julius Futterman H3aa mono OTL tube amps using six 6LF6 in PP are certainly contenders. I have #56 and #57. They are best used with 8ohm and above speakers.
For wider speaker choices I have a pair of the Paoli-modified Dynaco MkIII's. These were the top-rated tube amps by Harry Pearson of TAS back in the days of yore!
And in honorable mention are my pair of Heath W5 monos, each with a new-production pair of Gold Lion KT66's.
Those speakers look amazing. I'd love to hear them. It seems that you have plenty of power to drive them.