The best tube poweramp. . What do you think about ?

I’ve now a VAC phi 300.1. I’m very satisfied with this poweramp. What do you think , and do you have another option ?
my set consists of: Audio Note Cd Two II , Metronome technologie C6 , Daniël Hertz M6L: and the Ilumnia Magister MKII speakers. ( look at : ). Thanks a lot for the reactions!
For wider speaker choices I have a pair of the Paoli-modified Dynaco MkIII's. These were the top-rated tube amps by Harry Pearson of TAS back in the days of yore!
And in honorable mention are my pair of Heath W5 monos, each with a new-production pair of Gold Lion KT66's.
Those speakers look amazing. I'd love to hear them. It seems that you have plenty of power to drive them.
Carver crimson 350s’, or if you have money to burn, the Carver Silver seven behemoths!

Any Vincent hybrid power amp. Great stuff, affordable, and reliable.