Is good customer service about dead?

I’d like to know from other members of Audiogon how they find customer service today. Not the resellers so much as the manufacturers themselves. I had a bad experience with a really late delivery. I also have a tone arm I bought in a first production run when a setup manual was not yet available – the manufacturer will not respond to my emails. I wanted to audition a rather expensive pair of speakers that were not available in my area. I contacted the manufacturer (from his own website) to ask where I could go to audition and purchase these – but no response. I have however had amazing support from the good folks at VAC and Jeff Rowland.
So I am now searching for new speakers but customer service is my first criteria and everything else is second. I'll be looking in the 5K-10K price range. I’d be very interested in other people’s experiences.
Is good customer service about dead?
No. Check out this thread.

BTW, Daedalus Audio, which is commended twice in that thread, makes excellent speakers in your price range. By their nature, though, they do take some time to build, their website indicating that the wood finishing process itself requires 3 or 4 weeks.

-- Al
For speakers, I have heard great things about Salk Audio and Selah Audio.
You may take a peak over on AudioCircle to learn more about these companies. Rick from Selah,and the owner of Salk really understand killer customer service. Salk literally has a huge , huge cult following with over the top happy customers.
Good luck, actually you won't need it with these two companies.
Great Al. Your link had almost everyone mentioned ONE business (except Merlin, mentioned a couple of times) with good customer service. Not good enough. Generally speaking, customer service everywhere is DEAD. I only shop based on customer service. Most products cost within a couple of cents/dollars at various retailers, therefore, customer service decides how and where I spend my money.
The best customer service I've ever had, from any business, has been from Thiel.
My friend has a VAC based sytem and he gets great support from Kevin Hayes. I have a Coincident Technology based system and the support given by owner Israel Blume is simply superb. That`s two companies that I`d rate grade A in high quality product and service.Coincident has speakers in your price range.