Replace Macbook into Oppo with Lumin T2 for streamer/DAC?

I’m currently using Qobuz on a Macbook Pro (via USB) into an Oppo 105D as a makeshift DAC/streamer combo. The Lumin T2 seems like a significant step up as a DAC/streamer. I’d appreciate any advice on the upside or downside of the Lumin T2.
I understand there are many other DAC/streamer/server/ripper options available. I’m specifically interested in feedback on the Lumin T2 with Qobuz. Cheers.
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Look the main thing to keep in mind is that the Oppo is a universal player and it will play all your physical media if thats important. Also, Feeding a signal from your computer to the Oppo is fine, the Oppo does the rest and dont discount what that means, its a serious contender against anything in the 5K range. Oppo dosent make these players anymore and they are special considering the new price ($1200). I would look to upgrade the way you stream  music by purchasing a LEGIT streamer from Aurender ($2500-$3500) and connect USB to the Oppo,and do it right! Oppo 105 is a awesome DAC by itself.

Matt M
When I tried a Lumin a few years back the Lumin app that was used to control the streamer did not work well at all on Android devices.  I don't know if they've improved the app for Android devices.

If you use an Apple tablet or phone the app works like a charm.
We are streaming experts We sell many streamers including the lumins as well as bricast inaim nuprime nad and others

Dave and troy

Depends on the rest of your system. If your system has any brightness at all the T2 will be fatiguing over time
Great player in the right system but you may have to work at it to get its best