Individuals who are enthusiasts and prioritise the use of Vinyl LP Media, can have accumulated multiple years of usage and replays of Vinyl, along with a accumulation of experiences of using different ancillaries to create an experience that is satisfying and to their unique preferences.
Myself and some others have come through times when options on Ancillaries were vast and quite affordable.
The period in the 90's when Vinyl ancillaries were looking like disposable items, and the Used Sales Ad's were commonly seen with the recently produced items selling for extreme reductions.
The variations I have seen in a Vinyl Front End and down stream set ups, has been of interest to myself, and one area of choices being made,
I have noted on numerous occasions, is how many individuals I have been fortunate to have met and have become friends with, have been users of different TT's Models with different motor drives, different modifications, and the use of differing Plinth Materials and Designs.
Then there is the differences in the selection of a Tonearm and the use of a Tonearm, some will not settle for one Tonearm, additional options must be catered for, and methods to mount more than one model will be produced.
Then there is the use of a Cartridge, putting MM, MI or MC to the side,
some owners are with a vast collection of Cartridges and like to have a few mounted in a Head shell ready to go, (some are also only used mounted on a particular type of Head Shell) and others like myself stick close to one favoured model, and may have a substitute Cartridge to assist with increasing the longevity of usable life of the most preferred Cartridge.
From my experiences gathered, I am not at any time, meeting with others who have an identical set up, they genuinely vary quite vastly and are occasionally seen as a reasonably close in a match, for the Front End ancillaries that are Selected.
If down stream from the Source is added into the permutations then I have not met with anybody doing similar things with their choices to produce a Vinyl Chain in a system.
The choices selected for SUT/Head Amp > Phonostage > Amplification > Speakers is always different.
The OP is sharing in a likeminded enthusiasm for producing a Vinyl Chain in their system.
When the discovery is finally made of their preferred Set Up, it will again once more be most likely that it will be unique to their wants and not many will be discovered to be reciprocating/ mimicking the permutations of the choices made for the ancillaries that are in use.
The OP has decided he has to spend monies to discover a presentation that is perceived as beyond the performance available at present.
The question of how much budget should be allocated is commonly going to be met with contentious debate.
Most importantly in most cases, monies have to conform to a Budget, and achieving the best value for the allocated monies, has to be the priority.
In my view the best value is not the item acquired at the best price, but the item acquired, is proving to be a highly satisfying inclusion to the system.
A Cartridge is already acquired, and this route has been reported as worthwhile and quite satisfying.
This Cartridge would be best allowed to have approx' 100 Hours of user time to allow it to settle in, then the value it is offering will be realised when used in the system as is.
Will buying a Phonostage without any prior experience of the ancillary, allow the New Cartridge when 'settled in' to really show of its capability ?
Demo's of another ancillary in the system such as a Phonostage is looking like a practice worth pursuing.