Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!!

Millercarbon said

”People who think this kind of crazy impossible to understand stuff cannot possibly work should come hear my system. They would totally freak.”

Only if you were not there ! 
More S… for Yum Yum’s to waste their money on. My guess is someone was able to a/b test buying two identical cheap systems let’s all go give it a listen.
@boxer12 Stabilant 22 would do the same thing. Had an issue with a Air Bag senso on a old Honda Accord my kid had. Decided to clean up the contacts and pigtail, apply Stabilant 22 and bingo issue resolved. $40.00 on Amazon

Kid drove the car for 6 years and still has it up in South Bend where he attends Norte Dame getting his PHD.

Hobby? I thought it was a calling?

I figured you were approaching it more as a crusade? ;-)

I'm not dismissive of this stuff at all although I'm likely never to try it.  I'm just very happy with how my system is sounding and am just enjoying music listening and buying vinyl these days.  It's all about priorities (which of course are always subject to change).