Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!!

According to Wikipedia, chasing the dragon refers to the elusive pursuit of the ultimate high
The formula was posted on the website..5% of all the following.  A couple I can't remember.
Gold silver platinum palladium
Rhodium iridium and graphene and the forgotten elements mixed in a conductive polymer..
Formula and all the safety pages were up for a few months .
Down now.. Tom

I have raw graphene powder it doesn't mix well with most fluids or other super fine particles it always floats and then sinks to the bottom
because the particle itself is so small. Mix mix mix...The carrier material for all the elements I listed is key but I have know idea what it is. I do know its different from what Tim Mrock used. Tom

@kudelka8 The silver will turn to gold. Yes you are right and the song is a reference to smoking heroine as the story goes.