I am no longer getting MQA?

I notice that with my Auralic Aries G2.1 streamer that I no longer get MQA. I now get flac 48KHZ 24 bit at the most where I used to get MQA. The sound is still good but it is not MQA. I know that there was a problem with Tidal and many streaming devices with regards to no more MQA. Does anyone know what the issue is and am I now only going to get flac 48KHZ 24 bit where I used to get MQA or at least Auralic’s version of MQA? 
I am in Canada and don’t have Qobuz as an option not to mention that I have created a large library with Tidal. The sound is still good but not MQA.
It’s a little ironic that Qobuz, a French company, isn’t available in Canada where about 20% of the population speaks French but is available in the US where hardly anyone speaks French and 20% of US-born citizens can barely speak English.