"All The Nasties" brilliant!!!!!!!
"All The Nasties" with that crescendo-ing outro has some real magic.
Called being uncompressed back then, when there were no iphones/tablets/earbuds/walkmans etc etc to blow up and the earphones when the big crescendos/transients came along. Now they have to compress otherwise they would blow those teeny speakers/earbuds, if turned up during the quiter intros/passages.
So they have to compress it these days, to stop all that destruction, and as a bonus for them less space is used when they stream, so less space less streaming costs to them
Like this unfortunate compressed junk. Good also in cars in heavy city traffic, jackhammers etc.
Here’s something good to look at EJ early uncompressed
Compared it to most of the later stuff
https://dr.loudness-war.info/album/list/year/3?artist=elton+john (something happened though between 2017 to 2019) they went back to uncompressed????? Which is weird, someone said something to someone??
Cheers George