Dodson Audio - Still in Business?

I have been trying to reach Dodson Audio recently to get my dac upgraded. I have left several voice messages with no response and now the number has been disconnected. Is Dodson still in business? Does anybody know what is going on?

The DAC-263 has actually been "shelved" for a while. Dodson felt strongly about keeping it at the pricepoint, but price increases from some suppliers made this tough...
anyone heard Dodson AND Audio Logic dacs in the same system? I have the Audio Logic 24MXL, but have never heard the Dodson product.
Which Dodson are you referring to? On AA a few years back, there discussions about the '217 and Altis Ref(sampling rates etc). Search the archives.

I've heard the Dodson DA-218 and the Audio Logic 24MXL in my system during a DAC shootout I hosted a little over 2 years ago. Not the best acoustic environment at the time (I've since moved an have a much better listening room), but still good enough to hear differences. Here's a link to some pictures and discussion about the shootout: