Quantum Science Audio light blue fuse; $71, what a bargain!

I wanted to start a new thread about the more affordable versions of these fuses. I don’t doubt that the higher end versions are amazing, but most of us aren’t very likely to be able to hear them for ourselves. Fortunately, pretty much anyone who is serious about building a musically enjoyable and engaging system can get a good taste of what they’re all about.

I’ve had the light blue QSA fuses ($71) in my CD transport and DAC for over two weeks, now. They replaced SR blue fuses, at around twice the price, and easily bettered them. I am expecting one more light blue tomorrow, to replace an SR orange in my amp. I’ll give an update on that, once I get it installed and listen.

Meanwhile, here are a couple quotes from my posts on the other thread:

“What I am hearing is; voices & instruments are more solid and lifelike, with increased natural detail and sense of space, better dynamics, and a more relaxed overall sound.”

“Just got in a second light blue fuse for my DAC. So far, more of the same improvements I got in my CD transport. Very nice!😃 One thing I appreciate is the break in seems to be pretty quick, without any of the nasties you get with some other stuff. Pop it in, and you’ll hear improvements in short order, at least that’s been my experience.”

I am continuing to greatly enjoy what these fuses bring to my system, and am really looking forward to getting the last one in my amp.

Does the Quantum Science Audio light blue fuse or the more expensive ones work on solid state amps? I specifically have a Clayton S40 amp which requires three.  
One of the three will be incoming AC for the whole amp. Try that one first. 
I own that Clayton amp. I modified mine and upgraded it pretty extensively with some guidance from Wilson the builder. Great guy!
That is a very special Pure Class A amp.  It responds well to fuse upgrades. Do all three if you can! If you can’t, start with the mains AC fuse as MC said.

Keep listening and reporting your Aural findings.  Cite, specific musical passages that are bettered by these Fuses. I enjoy most genre(s) of Music.

Happy Listening!
One of the three will be incoming AC for the whole amp. Try that one first.
@millercarbon, that is exactly the question I wanted answered because I remembered you saying ’just try one’ on Agon somewhere but you never said where a single ’boutique’ fuse to try should be put in the power chain.

That is a very special Pure Class A amp.
@grannyring, it sure is. I think I got lucky with this one as it was custom made for Al Kaglik of Hi Fi Art a Clayton distributor in Canada that was for sale for over 2 years and for some reason was still available when I had the funds to purchase.

the amp is perfect cosmetically and operationally. There were no subsequent upgrades to the amp — it didn’t need any. It was built this way from the factory with the heavy duty power supply like in the M-200. In fact, if I take more pictures, you will see the M-200 badge on the amp signifying this…

And the above was verified by Wilson with a serial number check. So in effect, I ended up buying a Wilson Shen in house over built Clayton S40 beast! For about half the original cost in almost new condition as Al didn’t hardly use it.

GR, I follow this blog and ’steal’ as many audio ideas I can from you. For example yesterday wolf, with the help of wig, sold me a used 8ft helix speaker cable pair for half the price of a new set with:
  • 2 x 14 gauge UP-OCC wires for the signal wire
  • (1 or 2?) x 10 gauge Mil-Spec wires for the neutral
  • KLE Innovations Banana plugs
So 3 Quantum Science Audio light blue fuses for $71 each and a 8ft helix speaker cable pair for $350, you just can’t beat those upgrade prices, quality, high performance of gear and I couldn’t have done it without you guys posting here on Agon...Thank you!