In 2010 M3 was at 8.45 Trillion (cash in the economy) As of May of this year we are at 20.45 TRILLION. Since Feb of THIS YEAR, we have added 5 TRILLION into the economy.
The Fed is monetizing the debt. This is EXCEEDINGLY dangerous. No one is buying US Treasury bonds, notes, or T-bill except the FED.
For those of you who ignorantly believe that it’s trump that did this. YOU ARE WRONG. When he took office the M3 money supply was at 12.7 Trillion in DEC of 2019 it was at 15.3 in 4 years he added 2.6 Trillion to M3. The culprit is Joe Biden and his merry clown of ignoramuses running the country straight into hell. In 5 months these MORONS have added 5 TRILLION to the M3 money supply DOUBLE what the previous administration added in 4 years.
To really put that in perspective, Joe Bidens witless wonders in 5 months added more debt that was monetized than Barak Obama did in.... 8 YEARS.
It’s time that people WAKE the HELL UP before there is no America left. Consider that now the CDC is admitting that the MAJORITY of the spread of this Delta Variant is being done so by.... wait for it.... VACCINATED PEOPLE.
They are going to shut this country down by doing lockdowns AGAIN and this time, there will be no warp speed programs to get us back open. This is being done INTENTIONALLY. They want to institute a global government (based on communism) to strip you from your constitutional rights.
Those who sounded crazy when they said that the far left is trying to destroy Americans that the vaccines were designed to kill or make you very susceptible to Covid are proving to be more correct by the day.
The MsM shrilled about "cleanest election ever..." Really? 24% of all Georgia mail-in ballots have NO chain of custody. Not a break in the chain of custody... there isn’t one! In PA the US Supreme court ordered that late ballots were to be set aside and NOT counted. That was ignored and over 650,000 ballots were counted that should have NEVER been counted.
I don’t care if you are politically right, centrist, or left. If we the people can’t trust our elections then we are no longer a republic based on self-governance. We have become a banana republic. This whole vote thing is not a Trump vs Biden thing. It’s about having TRUST that WE have the say and not those engaging in political theater.
There is no 2022 let alone 2024 until we get to the bottom of what happened in 2020. If it turns out that the fraud was not an outcome-determinative fine, we fix those issues where fraud did occur so it can’t happen again. If it turns out the election was stolen then those who were doing this should be tried for TREASON and if found guilty, executed in PUBLIC.
To highlight all of this the Fed Chairman recently announced that inflation is going to be with us for the foreseeable future... WHO COULD HAVE IMAGINED. Biden shuts down both the XL and Keystone pipelines severing American energy engine that had us just a few short months ago is the #1 exporter of energy. Then this duplicitous TURD lifts sanctions on RUSSIA's pipelines.... are you freaking kidding me????
You think things are bad now with inflation a year longer of these absolute CLOWNS in control will make what you see now seem like a fantasy you would HAPPILY go back to...