A true legend has passed away! ' Set it and forget it '

RIP Rusty Hill.
Don't have time to check if there was a mention of him on this site. But this is mine. Will miss this Texas rocking legend. Thanks for the memorable concerts and albums. You will be missed.
Many, many years ago, I saw Ron on late night TV, pitching Hair in a Can (?).  It was a product you just sprayed on your bald spot and presto!  No one will be able to tell it's not your own hair!.  I still laugh when I think of him demonstrating.  The man had chutzpah.  No other way to describe him.  
if memory serves me right, the hair in a can was eventually called "GLH" [Good-Looking Hair]. i could use some o'that stuff right now! 
There’s a great book by Malcolm Gladwell called What The Dog Saw that has a chapter on him- I always think of roast chicken when his name comes up. Also a chapter called The Ketchup conundrum about why there are dozens of different mustards and one ketchup and all sorts of other things in life; worth a read