Could I tell afterwards? Not specifically, but I had also recently upgraded the interconnect from the PS to the amp, but sometimes knowing it is better sounding gives you peace of mind even if you didn't prove it specifically for yourself.
Perfect example - rollerblocks isolate components and also transfer vibration out of them. Inside them are ball bearings of certain specifications that make the box float. The new base level (formerly one top from the base) has 10 parts per million of imperfection in the shape/quality of it, and the highest level one, called a "super ball" (I kid you not), has 2.5 ppm, or a 75% reduction in imperfections. The cost of this upgrade is equal to the entire cost of the base rollerblocks with (the newly upgraded) standard bearings. Some people will buy the super balls based on the owner's recommendation knowing they are the best and have that peace of mind. Bear in mind that the previous improvement to the 10 ppm was down from 60 ppm, or an 83% improvement. Talk about the law of diminishing returns....This is the epitome of it, but he sells a ton of them for those who want the absolute best, and if I spent triple on my stereo, I would probably get them. The owner did not recommend them to me based on my system, so he understands how high resolving a system you need to hear or appreciate the improvement. This is the case with fuses, power cords, etc.