Chayro, I like your style! Last time I went shopping for speakers I set my budget at $2,000. Nothing I listened to made me think it was any better or that much better than my old 20 year old Paradigm Monitor 9 (the originals). So, I started listening to things in the $2,500 range. Still no "WOW" factor or not a big enough one to move me. When all was heard & done, I ended up spending $3,500 to get the "WOW" factor and, mind you, it wasn't that big of a "WOW" over those old Paradigm but enough of one to put a smile on my face and feel it was worth it. Paradigm make some good stuff!
I don't know how typical this is for most audiophiles but I invariably end up spending more than I think I will when shopping for stereo toys. My approach is similar to yours, I think. I venture out with an idea in mind, listen to things in an identified price range and, then, always ask the stereo man (it's usually a man - they'd probably move more product if they hired women) to play something demonstrably better at a higher price point. After some jockeying around, my heart, wallet and relative good reason finally decide what I walk away with. Of course, my comptroller (i.e. "She Who Must Be Obeyed") has a lot to do with this, as well. Actually, this is kind of my approach to spending a bunch of money on pretty much anything.
I don't know how typical this is for most audiophiles but I invariably end up spending more than I think I will when shopping for stereo toys. My approach is similar to yours, I think. I venture out with an idea in mind, listen to things in an identified price range and, then, always ask the stereo man (it's usually a man - they'd probably move more product if they hired women) to play something demonstrably better at a higher price point. After some jockeying around, my heart, wallet and relative good reason finally decide what I walk away with. Of course, my comptroller (i.e. "She Who Must Be Obeyed") has a lot to do with this, as well. Actually, this is kind of my approach to spending a bunch of money on pretty much anything.