So how much do you think the placebo effect impacts our listening preferences?

My hypothesis is that for ~%97 of us, the more a headphone costs the more we will enjoy the headphone.

My secondary hypothesis is that the more I told consumers a headset cost, the more they would enjoy the phones. i.e. a $30 headphone < $300 headphone < $3,000 headphones <<< $30,000 headphones.

I’m willing to bet that if I put the kph 30i drivers in the focal utopia’s chassis and told participants in this fake study that the phones cost $4k.... Everyone except for the 3%ers would never guess something was up. The remaining 97% would have no clue and report that it was the best set they ever heard.

Then if I gave them the kph30i and explained it was $30. 97% of people would crap on them after hearing the same driver in a different chassis.

My ultimate hypothesis is that build quality and price are the two most important factors in determining if people will enjoy a set of headphones. This how I rationalize the HD8XX getting crap on when only 3 people have heard it and publicly provided their opinion lol. "It’s a cheaper 800s, of course it’s going to sound worse!"

My own limited experience and experiments confirmed that generally speakers/room rightfully controlled exceed any headphones...

Like I said before, loudspeakers and headphones are different PRESENTATIONS.
It's not a matter of some people like vanilla and some people like chocolate. The comparison is more of some people like ice cream and some people like brownies.

The question is, what type of dessert do you prefer?
Okay, that was a very corny example but just trying to make a point that people have different needs when listening to high end. 
Well from now on...I’m not going to respond to stupidity.
No, but unfortunately for those of us here you seem intent on propagating it.
Seems like the site admins are favoring you
Hmm. I wonder why that might be? Something to ponder fer sure.
It would have been fine to simply disagree and present your own findings.
Um, that’s exactly what I did. And note my post wasn’t removed because it’s based on experience, fact, and logic. You just didn’t like that I called you out on one of your outlandish assertions.
You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink it. People will do what they want. You can’t stop them - even if/when you provide the most logical solutions.
No, but I can provide information that hopefully helps a horse recognize and not drink toxic water. I feel good about that even if some horses decide to drink it anyway. Case in point @troidelover1499 above — score one for logic and experience.
Listen to honest folks like maghister; you may learn something new.
Yeah, he pretty much agrees with me and is trying his best to do it politely. Pity you don’t recognize that but not at all surprising. That toxic water does funny things to the brain.  But even he has his limits and finally felt the need to hit you over the head directly to figure it out...
My own limited experience and experiments confirmed that generally speakers/room rightfully controlled exceed any headphones...
Are we done here?


"One of the most important things I've learned in life is...You can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it. People will do what they want. You can't stop them - even if/when you provide the most logical solutions."

My experiences too.

I guess the real trick is to get them to believe that whatever you're promoting is actually what THEY really want to do!

In fact most of the trillions of global advertising revenue dollars spent seem to be attempting to do exactly that.

Yet it often remains a difficult task as anyone who's ever tried their hand at teaching might tell you.

Thanks for the tip about the Sony MDR M1ST.

It looks like Sony have put some real effort into its design, so they might be ones to look out for if you want a pair of headphones that will let you hear what your recordings actually sound like.

The reason the  Sony MDR 7506s have been around virtually unchanged for decades because thousands of industry users have come to trust it.

Even multi-million dollar film soundtracks are checked for accuracy with them.

And then someone goes and adds a ton of compression....and makes it almost unlistenable.

Ah well, such is life!
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