I've owned the following players w/built-in volume control: The list is in order of personal preference.
Resolution Audio Opus 21
Quad CDP-99
Monarchy Audio Model 33 DAC (need a transport)(not remote volume control)
Cary CD-308
Theta Miles (balanced)
Birdland Odeon Lite DAC (need a transport)(not remote volume control)
Musical Fidelity CD/Pre-24
The RA Opus 21 generally sells for more than $2000, but you might get lucky. The Quad was a very good player in my system and can be $700-$1050 depending on vintage. The newer mkII is supposed to be better, but I haven't heard it.
Resolution Audio Opus 21
Quad CDP-99
Monarchy Audio Model 33 DAC (need a transport)(not remote volume control)
Cary CD-308
Theta Miles (balanced)
Birdland Odeon Lite DAC (need a transport)(not remote volume control)
Musical Fidelity CD/Pre-24
The RA Opus 21 generally sells for more than $2000, but you might get lucky. The Quad was a very good player in my system and can be $700-$1050 depending on vintage. The newer mkII is supposed to be better, but I haven't heard it.