Well chosen system and proper set up go a long way toward getting the best out of ALL kinds of recordings. Onhwy61's advice is good as a starting point for building a system. The speaker, and its interaction with the room, is the biggest factor in determining how any system will sound, so one should start with finding the best speaker--even if that means stretching the budget there and waiting to upgrade anything else.
There are lots of candidates out there that are not overly analytical, lean and bright, so I hope some of my suggestions, and those of others, will work out for you. But, I hope that you keep in mind that we all have different systems and different ideas of what are more forgiving speakers and I have often been pleasantly surprised by hearing stuff that I did not like in several settings sound wonderful in another, so listen to as much as you can and keep and open mind.
In various settings I have liked the following:
Gradient Revolution --very flexible in terms of placement options, I've heard them sound good in small rooms and up against a wall.
Gershman GAP 828--warm and musical sounding with just about any kind of music.
Audionote speakers (various models)--plain looking (okay, perhaps ugly), but, they work well in corner locations and are never harsh or dry sounding. They work well with low powered tube gear which also helps in making bad recordings sound decent.
Magnepan 3.7--these require space around the speaker, particularly behind the speaker. In a good setup, these manage to be detailed and reasonably fast and dynamic without being harsh sounding. The tweeter on these speakers is amazingly good.
Vandersteen Quattro and 5A--I have not heard a Vandersteen that did not sound fundamentally musical and enjoyable with a wide range of recordings and accompanying equipment.
I have not heard they current lineup of JM Reynaud speakers, but in the past, I have found the whole lineup to be warm and musical.