Why the cost increase?

I went to buy materials for a speaker project. I also priced some T-111 siding on 8" centers, 5/8 thick, Ship lap.
I hadn’t picked up any sheets or anything in over 18 months.

48" x 96 x 5/8 wood siding was 19-26.00 and on sale 15-20.00 per sheet, NOW 74-84.00 per sheet.

MDF 3/4" 48 x 96" if you can find it. 45-55.00 per sheet it was 22.00 to 27.00 per sheet.

2x4x8 DF stud grade 1.99-3.00 per. Now 4-6.00 per stud,

There is no shortage but there sure is a LOT of price gouging. NOTHING changed. Just the price..

The quality is worse. The workers aren’t paid worth a crap...Why the increase?

I’m getting ready to finish my home out. WOW.. I might have to rethink this a bit..

The price all most tripled in 12-18 months.. This kind of stuff is NOT cool at ALL.

Just my opinion of course. Any projects you’re doing get put on hold or STOPED?

YES I’m very frugal. Money never came easy, and it leaves the same way..

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I never said a word about "scam". A scam implies an illegal activity. Have you been able to show that the prices being charged for lumber are illegal? If not, there's no scam and no reason for you to insinuate that there is.

And then you think you know what sales tax rate I support. Why would you even go there when you don't have a clue about me?

And why are you concerned about money being paid into the Social Security system using fake Social Security numbers which will never be paid back out to those who paid it? At most it likely comes to about $3.5 billion, so totally insignificant in the $6.55 trillion budget of the U.S. government. You should be happy those illegals are paying into the system and not taking the benefits, which likely means a lower tax rate for you. Your arguments are silly.

"America is still the greatest country in the world". Watch and learn something: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fTkA3dvpPM

If you want to enjoy free speech, then you have to take the bad with the good. Just remember, you don't have to deal with those people who curse all the time if you don't want to (so no need to tell them to watch their language), but you can rest assured that they likely lead pitiful and ignorant lives and those who do have to deal with them likely can't stand them. It's sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy that they will likely never be successful in business or surrounded by people who really care about them.

Now to the main point and the one you totally neglected to reply to. I said if you want to beat them at their own game, why don't you open a lumber yard and charge $2 less per sheet of plywood than your competitors? That's how the system works and that's the one you should have attempted a reply to, but you just ignored it because apparently you didn't have an answer for it. Of course I also said "If you were smart" and that may or may not be the case.
"Bet your fat arse can’t do 3 laps"
I knew it was just a matter of time that you’d show your true colors of your previous username....
And I see you’ve used your usual mode of deleting your nastier posts.
Forgot this one, did you?
You cannot change who you are simply by pretending to be something you are not. No matter how many times you come back with a new username.
Woke up to read that Texas just passed New York in the number of Covid deaths and to think there was a time when they were 29,000 behind. To think this is all policy driven, and cruelty is the point.

Not to be outdone, Florida just had a one day record of 21,683 new cases, right after DeSatan passed an ordinance saying schools cannot force kids to wear masks. 

All of this was preventable. We could have reached herd immunity with none of the downsides and be 100% open for business.

Won't listen to medical experts. Don't want to to admit they were wrong. Willing to kill off lots of their base to do so. Isn't that a form of genocide?
When studying ancient cultures, sociologists have wondered how and why some just collapsed. I think they have a working model here to study.

All the best,